Viral story

Before they knew it, Angie’s story went viral on the internet as the couple who found a secret safe in their house. People from all over the country were contacting them and commenting on the post. Angie was surprised at the reaction they were getting from people. Additionally, there were way too many people joking to be Alan!
Not Helpful

Eddie and Angie learned it the hard way that putting out a post did not turn out to be helpful at all. People were either commenting about being Alan or telling ridiculous stories about the possible treasure that these clues will lead them to.
Bluffing People

There was also a good percentage of people who were calling the couple out saying they are bluffing everyone on social media by their fake story. There is no way they could find so much money and so many clues hidden away in a safe inside their kitchen. Angie didn’t feel the need to justify herself to anybody. But she knew she can’t turn to them to look for answers.
No Decision

Despite the bizarre event, Eddie finished the renovation project beautifully and the couple was living in a brand new house now. They decided not to follow the map or the clues. And the couple has still not decided what to do with the money. Angie is hopeful they will find a good reason to spend this money one day. But it won’t be for personal possessions.