The Bingo Card

The book also contained a bingo card that had 54, 66 and 3 circled. Angie couldn’t understand what these numbers are supposed to mean. Is it the unlocking code to some other safe? Because there were more signs, all of them hidden inside the book.
A Tree

There was another old photograph which showed an old house with a tree with three trunks. There was a note scribbled at the back of the photo saying, “where one tree becomes three”. The couple couldn’t believe this is happening. Because it seems to look a lot like a treasure hunt with clues and guides to lead them to a place.
A Map

The last card had a map of Arizona on it. It had marked a few points on the map, which mentioned Phoenix, Mesa, and Tucson. Now they know they found this safe in Phoenix, does that mean the other safe is in Mesa? Because Mesa was marked with an X. Is that where the house is? The one with the three trunks tree? Eddie had so many questions in his mind.
Finders Keepers

The couple couldn’t believe this is happening for real. What are they supposed to do with this safe and these items? What are they supposed to do with this money? It clearly didn’t belong to them and they can’t follow the ‘finders keepers’ theory. Although, it might be the only sane option as of now. But Angie had one more idea.
Sharing The Story

Angie decided to share this event with people. She took pictures of every item and captioned the whole event that happened in her kitchen. She posted it online on her social media handles in an attempt to find some answers. She was hoping maybe someone will understand the hidden message behind it or maybe recognize the picture.
Looking For Alan

Angie ended her story by saying “If Alan is still out there, please contact us. We’re keeping the bourbon though!” She knew it’s impossible to find a genuine story but she could only hope people might help them understand the clues better.