Removing The Counter

Eddie knew there was only one option left now. He will have to break apart the counter and remove it. He took out his ax and began to break down the counter. Only when he had completely removed the counter successfully, Eddie was able to see what was beneath it.

Eddie saw some dust and dirt around it but he could still make out what it is. It took him a moment to gather his senses and call out for Angie. She came rushing into the kitchen assuming the worst that he might have injured himself. She found him kneeling beside something but couldn’t figure out what it is.
A Safe?

Eddie brushed off the dirt from the item he found, only reveal to Angie what it actually was. It was a safe, an actual safe buried underground and found beneath a kitchen counter! Angie’s eyes went wide as she realized what the found item is. They exchanged bewildered looks. They couldn’t wrap their heads around something so bizarre!

Eddie tried to open the safe but it was obviously locked. How could they guess what the code for the safe is? He looked at Angie for some answers but her expressions mimicked his. Eddie made some random guesses and attempted to open the safe. But his attempt went in vain because the lock did not budge. The safe easily looked decades old and there was no way a random guess will open the lock on it.
Countless Attempts

Eddie assumed maybe he could break open the lock. But it was risky because even if he breaks the lock there is no guarantee the safe will open instead of shutting down for good. Angie was equally confused too. She thought instead of trying to break open the lock themselves maybe it’s better to contact a locksmith who might know how to open this.
Not Onboard

Eddie was not onboard with this idea. Clearly finding a buried safe in your kitchen is not a common affair. Plus who knows what is inside of it, what if it’s booby-trapped? And as soon as they try to open the safe without the code, it explodes in the middle of their kitchen then and there. It is better if they tackle this issue themselves.