Renovating a house comes with its set of challenges and complications, especially if you plan on doing the job on your own. Angie and Eddie, residents of Arizona, were on one such mission of renovating their house that they have been living in for more than two years now.

The most challenging part of this renovation was tackling the kitchen. And it was during this process of breaking down the kitchen counters, the couple stumbled upon something odd. Thus began a remarkable journey for the two of them, as they made the most unbelievable discovery of their lives.

Arizona, USA

It was a warm morning in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. The sun rays poured in through the cracks in the blinds awaiting to be greeted by Angie’s eyes. She buried herself in the warm sheets and pillows not wanting to wake up. It was a weekend which usually meant she could stay in bed till noon but not today. Eddie had planned to start the renovation this week. Angie and Eddie moved into their house more than two years ago as newlyweds. Angie was and still is in love with this place. This is why she was interested in the renovation project instead of moving houses. They had made so many memories within these walls she couldn’t find it in her heart to leave them behind. Fortunately, Eddie agreed with her and as a result, he decided to renovate the place instead. Now Eddie was very much a typical handyman who knew his way around tools and fixtures. Which is why he decided to work on the house himself. Angie was not the biggest fan of this idea but she put on her best supportive-wife-face and allowed it.

The Kitchen

When it came to planning for the kitchen, Eddie knew what he had in mind for the most part. He wanted to get rid of the old kitchen counters but was planning on keeping the floors as it is. As simple as it sounds, tearing apart kitchen counters is going to be messy.  Eddie got started with the kitchen early in the day to get things done as fast as possible. The process turned out to be more tedious than he thought. Turns out taking apart kitchen counters is not as fun as it sounds. Little did he know, this tedious process is about to become one of the most remarkable incidents of his life.Eddie was done tearing most of the kitchen counters, all but one. The one in the farthest corner was still standing mighty. For some reason, when Eddie tried to unscrew its panels it made no difference to the counter. No matter how much force he put into it, the counter would not budge!

Removing The Counter

Eddie knew there was only one option left now. He will have to break apart the counter and remove it. He took out his ax and began to break down the counter. Only when he had completely removed the counter successfully, Eddie was able to see what was beneath it. Eddie brushed off the dirt from the item he found, only reveal to Angie what it actually was. It was a safe, an actual safe buried underground and found beneath a kitchen counter! Angie’s eyes went wide as she realized what the found item is. They exchanged bewildered looks. They couldn’t wrap their heads around something so weird!Eddie tried to open the safe but it was obviously locked. How could they guess what the code for the safe is? He looked at Angie for some answers but her expressions mimicked his. Eddie made some random guesses and attempted to open the safe. But his attempt went in vain because the lock did not budge. The safe easily looked decades old and there was no way a random guess will open the lock on it. 

Trying Again

It has been more two years since they first moved into this place. So Angie was having a hard time remembering where she kept the code. She couldn’t remember if it was tucked away in one of the cabinets or if she put it aside in one of her drawers or maybe her closet. After searching for it for quite some time, Angie managed to find the code inside her closet. Angie was disappointed, to say the least. She really thought the code that she had been trying was related to the safe they found. After all, both things were found in the kitchen itself. Eddie tried to put the code in again, and again. He tried the code almost 3-4 times until finally the lock on the safe twisted! Angie couldn’t believe the code actually worked!

Unlocking The Safe

Eddie carefully opened the safe and took a look at what was inside it. The very first thing that caught his attention were hundred dollar bills. Many many hundred dollar bills. There was also a bottle of bourbon kept inside, along with a book. The couple stared at the, now open, safe, dumbstruck by its content.The last thing in the safe was a book, titled ‘A Guide For The Perplexed’. This book was written by ‘E. F. Schumacher’ and published in 1977. E. F. Schumacher is well known for his economics essay book called ‘small is beautiful’.