Sharing The Story
When the mystery was unfolded in front of them, the couple was feeling immensely happy with what they had found. Carol Hollar-Zwick later said, “It’s interesting that you can open up something and find 1960 inside of it.” She also compared the fallout shelter with a time capsule and wanted to share the discovery with the rest of the world. And hence they gave away all their findings to Neenah Historical Society.
The Society
In May 2013, all the finding of the fallout shelter was put on display in the exhibition. Along with the things found in the fallout shelter, the exhibition also displayed some books, TV shows, and radio. The exhibition reminded people of how they used to live in the 1960s.
Making Headlines
It didn’t take much time for the story to make headlines. Many people were surprised by the discovery that the couple had accidentally made. Ken and Carol too were thinking as to why they didn’t make the effort to open the hatch before. In an interview, the family also admitted that they had never thought the filthy looking hatch might contain such a treasure. But now the secret of the hatch wasn’t just revealed to the family but it also lay bare in front of the world too.