The Mystery
Slowly, the mystery was opening in front of them. They came to know that the house was built in 1951 and was owned by Frank Pansch who was a physician. According to the municipal records, Ken and Carol came to know that Frank started building the shelter around 1960. And they started looking for a perfect explanation as to why the owner might have built it in the first place.
The War
The couple realized that the fallout shelter was built when the cold war was going on. And that was in 1960. The step taken by the man was quite intelligent. Just a few years after the owner had built the shelter, the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in the country. The shelter was the best place for Frank to hide when the tensions between the Soviet Union and the USA raised. He could sense that a war was going to happen and hence he took the safety measures to build the shelter.
The town they were currently residing in was a fallout zone during the cold war, then why would have Frank built the shelter? The couple later came to know that although Neenah wasn’t under attack, the possibility of being attacked by the enemy was still high. This theory was later confirmed by an expert from the renowned University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. So Frank might have built the shelter to protect himself in the worse condition.
Frank had made a plan that if in case the cities were under attack, he and his parents would be safe inside the shelter. And they could come out when the situation was under control. It was interesting to know that Frank was the only person that had executed this plan. He had already built the shelter when President Kennedy had just warned the people about the worsening condition. When the investigated further they came to know that it was more than a fallout shelter.
The couple was constantly thinking as to how he would have come up with a bulletproof plan. Later they came to know that Frank took the directions from a government pamphlet which was printed in the year 1959 under the name “The Family Fallout Shelter.” The fallout shelter had a complicated structure which included electricity, a telephone line, and a ventilation system.
Building The Chamber
The pamphlet wasn’t just for reference, it was a step by step guide for building the main chamber at right angles. It was a genius plan to help people from protecting themselves from radiation. But only Frank seemed to have implemented the plan written on the pamphlet. The owner had stored all the required material that would be needed for anyone who would stay in such a condition. But unluckily the things got perished with time and water drowned the whole room. Were they going to find something else too?