Example To Their Peers
This is true that what kids did could have landed them in trouble if they had caught the sight of the fugitive. Despite the risks involved, those children went ahead and helped the police that definitely makes them hero. No wonder these little heroes are being celebrated in their school.
Viral Story
Expectedly, the video recorded by the police of the human arrow went viral all across the world. In no time, those kids were making the headlines for their bravery. Their parents were beaming with pride.
Future Policemen
So, what is the aim of these kids? On being asked what is it they want to be, many of them replied that they aim to become a police officer. Well, taking their bravery into account, the police department would be more than happy to have them.
Well, the kids are enjoying their share of popularity and admiration. This Easter turned out to be an unforgettable one in their lives. It won’t be wrong to say that the kids saved the name of police as well as the entire locality.
Your Say
So what do you think? Have you seen any kid so brave and smart? This is true children are the future. So, it feels nice to see them committed to their responsibilities and duties as a citizen. It is important we inculcate love and respect for the country in our kids.