The Human Arrow
The policeman did not take long to realize that the kids were actually trying to show them where the fugitives were. The police later stated, “The children quickly formed an arrow on the ground in the middle of a plowed field to guide the helicopter in the direction of the fleeing pair.”
Initially, the police could not understand what was that. So they zoomed in and when they realized it was nothing but a bunch of kids forming a human arrow, they just could not believe it. They were astonished and confused both. But the message had gotten to them loud and clear.
A Better Look
They took a hard look at the arrow and flew towards the direction it pointed towards. NPAS explained, “The swift action taken by the group of parents and their children was the sort of thing you would usually associate with an Enid Blyton adventure but their ingenuity proved a great help for our crews.”
Finding The Fugitives
The policemen directed their camera to the spot the kids were pointing towards. It took them no time to sight the fugitives. The policemen then gave instruction to ground troops to reach the spot and arrest both of the men.
Count In
It was a significant victory for the police as the fugitives had committed some serious crimes. “The helicopter crew relayed this information to officers on the ground and a short time later two men were arrested,” stated police.
Not The End
However, it did not mark the end of the mission. Kids saw helicopters descending on the field. Kids saw them in confusion. The fugitives had been caught then why did the officers land on the field? Well, they had landed with a purpose.