Findley, Tyrea’s mother too was extremely proud of her teenage son. As Holt mentioned, “I told [Pryor’s] mom that she had done [an] amazing [job] with him and [I] pray he goes places. She started tearing up because I was a cop and took time out of my day to call him out on what I witnessed.”
The Enclosing
Holt closed his Facebook post with a message and a promise, saying, “Kiddo If you see me on the street again, this guy owes [you] a dinner. You ever need anything I will come running to [you].” Holt’s post was seen by many news agencies and Fox4 News was the first one to schedule an interview with Holt. He agreed for the interview because he genuinely wanted to appreciate Tyrea.
Keeping The Promise
Holt, in an interview, explained to Fox4 News, “[Pryor is] the hero. I’m just the photographer in this situation. So it’s wherever he wants to go. It’s on my dime; so he can pick.” That was the very first time when Holt personally got to meet Tyrea. The police officer was already a big fan of the teenager and considering himself lucky to meet him.

In August 2019, Pryor explained to the news outlet WQAD, “I’ve been doing that since I was young, just like helping people,” He further clarified, “It looked like she needed help. I was raised to, like, do right toward anybody. It doesn’t matter what race or anything.”
Proud Mother
So Positive

Pryor’s mom Findley added to the Daily Mail, “I’m just overwhelmed, he has vitiligo, so it’s been overwhelming seeing people say all of these positive things about him. It makes me happy and brings joy to him. Kids can be rough and cruel sometimes; this is a thing we deal with so I’m glad this was so positive.”