Good Partners
Following Tyrea, the police officer went to the parking area as well and found out that a lady was waiting for the teenager. The lady happened to be Tyrea’s mother. When Joe told her the incident that took place, she could not keep her emotions intact and let her tears run down. She felt like a proud mother and was happy that her child was brought up well.
The Post
Holt could not stop praising Tyrea, he described his immense happiness in his Facebook post, “So, today I experienced something that actually set me back a little. It didn’t set me back because I was shocked but because I got to witness it first-hand.”The tonality of the post was appreciative. Moreover, Joe was condemned to see good people still existing in this world.
Holt continued his caption stating, “With all the hate-fueled by color, belief, sexual preference or race it actually p****s me off. Why, because most of it is based on what they read in the papers. Most isn’t based off personal experiences.” From this statement, one could easily make out that Joe was against any kind of differentiation.
The Description
Holt described, “This young black male [teen] exited the backseat of a van he was in while it was pouring [with] rain [and he] took his coat off and protected this elderly white female from the environment the best he could all the way to her car.” Joe gave a detailed description of the boy so that he could be recognized by his known people.
Holt was impressed by the kind of attitude the boy had. Joe Holt continued, “he then walked back to his car all while not saying a word to his auntie or mom when he exited or re-entered.” Holt was surprised to see such a humble nature. The teenager did not announce his intentions because he was not seeking any praise for what he did.
Following The Boy
As Holt later explained on Facebook, “I followed him to the van and approached the driver who was his mom. I told this young man I was impressed and he should be proud – because I was. His mom had no idea what was happening because she thought she had done something wrong since I was in uniform.”