The Owner

The problem that the authorities were facing was that the owner wanted the cubs back. “This was the most clear-cut case of straightforward trafficking but the most difficult to do anything about,” said Mier. He added that the owner threatened the employees and as a result, the employees had to take the help of the police while retrieving the cubs.

Won The Case!

The NGO won the cubs in a case against the owner of the cubs as the terms and conditions of the trade of Endangered Species were not fulfilled. “The Ministry of Agriculture, Judge of Urgent Matters and Customs have all made the right decisions,” said Animal Lebanon’s social media account.

Improvement In Health

Whilst the legal battle of the ownership was being fought, the cubs started getting healthy day by day. They started feeling less terrified of humans and started playing with them as normal cubs would. The trio was named May, Antoun, and Tanya.

A Time Leap

Four months later, Animal Lebanon won the case for ownership and by this time the cubs were big and in perfect health. Animal Lebanon had to find a new and real home for the, and therefore the authorities had to allow the NGO to move the tigers.

The Trio

The trio traveled in a passenger plane as a special cargo and slept in their separate boxes that had their name tags and tiger stripes. They arrived at Tonga Terre D’accueil sanctuary near Lyon in a few hours and that is when Jason could sleep properly.

Final Destination

“I could sleep after the plane got off the ground — that’s the end of it. Now, they can finally enjoy their lives,” Jason said in an interview. The people at Animal Lebanon were really happy that the cubs could now finally live their lives.