Painfully Common
Deputy chief, Wasson revealed, “Twice this happens in one city,” “That’s twice too many. The few seconds you save by leaving your car running is not worth going through something like this. Your car is stolen, your baby being kidnapped – this does not have to happen.”
What Could Have Been
Had Blevin not gone to the work that day, the baby would have fallen prey to all the mishappenings. The man saved a life that was tiny but very precious. In this all, we should not lose sight of the fact that the baby would not have landed into trouble had his father taken cautions.
All’s well if the end’s well. Blevin rescued the baby and his heroic deed not only got appreciated by the kid’s father but the entire city too. A few months later, the man received the Missing Children’s Citizen Award for his act of heroism.
Concerned Citizen
Jesse Panuccio, Acting Associate Attorney General appreciated Blevin by saying he “is a concerned citizen whose courage compassion and vigilance helped bring home an abducted baby.” “Through both public service and private acts, these extraordinary people displayed ingenuity, resourcefulness, and an especially high order of civic responsibility,” the man added.
Unfortunate But True
It is unfortunate that even after having so many cases piling up on a daily basis, we are still struggling to find an effective way of dealing with it. As stated earlier, these crimes can be avoided. All that needed is a little care from kids’ parents.
A Citizen’s Duty
Who knew a casual request of moving the car would lead to such unexpected consequences. Every citizen should be watchful of their surroundings for safety is not all about securing yourself but also saving others from coming tragedies.