Taking The Baby Back
Blevin had to think on his feet. It was time to take action. “I [took] the baby and put him on my trailer,” he explained to Californian newspaper, The Mercury News. “I said, ‘I’m calling 911.’ The guy didn’t really seem to care. I think he realized he messed up. He was in for a stolen car, and he stole a baby. He stole a child.”
Blevin confronted him as he already had suspected that something was not right. The man, on the other hand, tried to run away with the stolen car. Now there was no doubt that the man was actually a thief.
Sped Away
The strange man turned the key and started the car. Before Blevin could do anything, the man was steering away from him. Blevin kept on looking at him in bewilderment. The kid was still with him.
Not Yet
Just when the driver thought that he has gotten away something unexpected happened. The man had hardly gone a mile when he got another problem thrown at him. The man must pay for all their misdeeds.
Got Caught
However, all his efforts went in the drain when he got his car pulled over by police patrol somewhere in the city of the Salinas. Thereafter, Raymond Randy “Turtle” Gutierrez, the 43-year-old homeless man got arrested for stealing the car.
Under Arrest
It was later revealed that this was not the first time the man had breached a law. The police found out that he had committed may more crimes prior to this one. Soledad’s Deputy Police Chief, Damon Wasson said, “The homeless people knew who he was.”