The Uploaded Video
Kevin went on uploading the video online that was viewed by thousands of other Facebook users. “Today after work riding down Jeffrey I saw this Chicago Police truck flying down the street with their siren on and some idiot drove in the intersection so they crashed into a tree avoid them,” Kevin mentioned in the caption.
Good Samaritans

As Kevin’s description of the video wasn’t over yet, he further added that everyone should watch this video till the end to watch the good Samaritans who came “to help/check on the police officer and drag him out the car!” This video was shared on a public level which means anyone can see the video and share it further.
Going Viral
The footage received more than 34,000 reactions. This video was shared more than 6,400 times and received approximately 2,000 comments. And we are yet to tell the reason behind what gathered so much attention on this video.
A Pastor Came to Help

The neighborhood’s church was in the next lane where the accident took place. Pastor Phillip Cusic was in the church when he heard the loud sound of the accident. Like most of the other neighboring people, he too ran outside to see what has taken place.
Injured Officer
“We were right here in the middle of the street,” he recalled. He helped in picking up the police officer by his arm escorted him to the roadside. The fellow officer was severely hurt in the accident and needed immediate medical care to survive.
Calling 911

While Pastor Phillipe Cusic and other residents were taking the cop far from the car, a woman called 911 to report the accident and get the help. She gave the authorities the exact location and asked for an ambulance to sent as soon as possible.