Fleeing From the Scene
Kevin drove in the direction of the accident to see if anybody was injured or anyone needed his help but by the time he reached on the accident spot, there was only one car and that wasn’t the dark-colored SUV but a police car. The SUV was already gone.
Hit And Run
The SUV was moving so fast that to save an accident the cops took a sharp turn and the car crashed into a tree on the side. The officers were amid a foot pursuit and on duty when this took place. Even after the lights of the police car were on, the SUV struck their car. There was only one way out.
Smoke Was Coming Out

So by the time Kevin reached there, a group of people already approached the police car. Kevin from a distance was thinking that it can be dangerous for these people to get close to a damaged car. But there were people inside and they needed to be rescued. Kevin then picked up his camera and started to record what was about to happen next.
A Helping Hand

The neighborhood people ran to rescue the police officers. It’s very rare that a police car meets an accident. They were checking on how many people were inside the car. The car was heating up quickly and they had to take the officers out before anything bad happens.
Siren And Lights On
Kevin recalled that the officers tried to avoid the accident with the careless SUV driver. The police officer on the driver’s seat applied breaks and got crashed in the tree. The fact that even if we are driving with full attention and abiding all the rules, all it will take is one reckless driver to risk everyone’s life driving on that road. Isn’t that something that makes roads scarier?
The Police Car Was Destroyed
“I saw a lot of bystanders come over and assist, check on the officer, actually pull them out of the vehicle,” mentioned Kevin in a Facebook post. He uploaded the video online and certainly, people were amazed to see the actions of the neighbors.