Spot The Island
If you look at the map of the world it would take you a while before you could locate the island. This tiny but mysterious is far more interesting than any other place. Even today, it doesn’t stop baffling the people who visit it. During the WWII, on 31 March 1942, with the help of mutiny by Indian soldiers Japan was able to occupy the land from the British power.
More Than The Name
The name Christmas Island might give you a very happy feeling. People thought of this place to be a must visit but when Mark made this discovery their views changed. It’s more of a tropical paradise. With humans living in this have made it a place one can live with all the basic necessities available but still, the locals know the area from in and out. People like us might get lost in the area if visiting it alone. And beware if you stumble upon the same thing Mike did. He knew the land and in our case, we might faint.
Fantasy World
After Mark spotted this mysterious unknown thing he didn’t run away from it instead ran towards it. Unaware of the situation he picked it up, the world was astonished by it. Doesn’t it feel great to watch fiction movies where it takes into a world we haven’t imagined? Filled with amazing and unbelievable things we start believing that, yes, that place is there somewhere. Christmas Island is somewhat similar to that. Luckily, Mike was actually there to live the moment unlike us where we are reading about it now.
Brave Or Foolish?
When Mike picked up that thing and posted it on social media, people couldn’t believe what they were actually seeing. There were many who applauded his action saying, he was brave who was able to discover something this astonishing and brought it out in front of the world. There were others who criticized his decision of being careless and not caring about the only life he has. We don’t know what to say but this discovery was necessary if you ask us.
Into The Woods
Mike always had this habit of walking on an unbeaten path. This was the only reason he went to the other side of the island. Unlike other areas, this area was dense and unknown to him. Moving further into the woods he was alert because this area was new fro his mind and body. As you all know what all a person could find in the woods if one is not aware of the surroundings. Now, what’s that? Mike thought.
Don’t Move
Mike saw a bush that was shaking because of something that was moving away from Mike. Before he could act that thing was out from the bush. He made sure not to touch it but then something made him do it. Without being aware of what that was, he picked it up in his hands. It was heavy and huge. But what it was that Mike picked. Did he knew what it was and that’s why didn’t get afraid of it?