The Typical Checkup

On April 25, 2017, Hannah was supposed to visit the doctor for the regular check-up. She didn’t miss any appointment as she never took anything lightly when it was about her kids. Same was with Lauren so she understood her concern and instantly agreed. Javont’e had to go for work and he couldn’t make it to the clinic with them. And the heartbreaking day was nowhere.
Scary Vibes
Since morning Hannah was getting a strong feeling that something wasn’t right about this day. She even shared her concern with Lauren who gave her an option to skip the appointment for the day and fix it for one or two days later. Hannah thought that she might be feeling a bit nervous because of the prenatal checkup. This made her more cautious to meet the doctor on that very date.
The Plan
The plan for that day was Hannah will get her check-up done, meanwhile, Lauren will look after her daughter, A’lannah. The day came and Hannah met her bestie on time. They had breakfast together and now was the time to decide the route to the hospital that was located in hall county. As the appointment was of early morning they reached on time. Everything came as normal in the regular test. On her way back to home was the end waited for them.
Which Road To Take?
By the time they were to return home, it was already the office hours and the traffic on the roads was multiplied. Hannah didn’t feel like going from the busy crowded route but had no other choice. She took to Georgia Highway 347 doubting on her decision. As the expected the traffic was too much and they needed to get to home.
On The Way
Hannah was on the driver’s seat while Lauren was watching after A’lannah. Highways are the only place where you aren’t really supposed to slow down. Hannah was driving at a fine speed and it took just one moment to lose control.
Lost Control

On the way, Hannah lost control of her car. As per Georgia State Patrol, the car broke in through the median and spun to the opposite lane where a white truck hit the car. It happened so instantly that the truck driver was unable to put in brakes. She was driving a Subaru Legacy that was completely smashed during the accident.