The Tonight Show

Before Teni could even wrap her head around this news, the word got around about her painting. To her surprise, she managed to get the attention of the media world. Teri was invited to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The interview was a massive hit and that, in turn, brought more recognition to Teri and the painting.

Who Is Jackson Pollock?

During her interview, Teri mentioned that when she was told that this painting might be an original of Jackson Pollock her response was, “who the f*** is Jackson Pollock”. This response became so famous that she was approached by Warner Bros who wanted to make a full-length documentary about the incident and title it after her response.

Controversy In The Community

The incident of the painting was so remarkable that it took the art world by a firestorm. People were not able to accept that a retired truck driver had come across such a valuable find. There were also a few art collectors who found it hard to believe that the painting was original.

Asking For Proof

People decided they need her to prove that the painting is genuine and original by providing a full history of her ownership. Asking to prove that painting is original or not is not something which is usually required but given the unusual circumstances in which Teri found it, she had to oblige. 

Inspecting The Painting

Teri had several other arts specialists come down and analyze the painting. The specialists also believed that it was likely an original because Pollock used to throw out a lot of his art. Plus his brother lived nearby so it might have ended up at goodwill.

Judgemental Critics

Teri was invited to an art gallery by the elite of art institutes who approve art based on their gut feeling. They judged her from the moment she walked in, based on her age and the way she dresses. And they still didn’t believe that it was the original painting.