Still His Dog

Even from a distance, he could tell that Barrie was not a little puppy anymore. His heart jumped in his chest as soon as Barrie’s eyes landed on him. To his relief, Barrie came running and jumped on him pushing him down on his back licking his face! Sean was overjoyed, Barrie recognized him immediately! She was still his dog.
The New Life

Barrie had only seen war ever since she came to this world. So adjusting to her new life in Essex took some time. Sean had only been loving and providing utmost care to her. He is not a very spiritual man but he believes meeting Barrie in that exact moment in Syria had something to do with fate. He believes she was his dog from the moment they met.
Typical Day

Barrie had settled into Sean’s life like a perfect missing piece. She usually wakes him up at 5 am barking at the squirrels or because she wants to play with him. He would take her out for walks early morning where she would love to roll around in the biggest puddle she could find. At night, he would give her the freedom to choose whether she wants to sleep inside or outside.
Fitness Enthusiast

After returning from Syria, Sean created a life for himself in Essex. He was always into fitness, and as a result, he opened his own gym. His gym is a success and he also posts fitness videos on his Instagram. Not only that, Sean and Barrie’s story became famous amongst all. People were inspired and in awe of the bond between the two.
Writing A Book

Sean and Barrie’s story became a viral sensation. Inspired by the reaction he received from people, Sean also wrote a book named, “Barrie: How a Rescue Dog and Her Owner Saved Each Other” which talks about his life when he found Barrie and how things unfolded after he found her. The book made huge sales in the market and was loved by all.
Unconditional Love

Sean found Barrie when the turmoils of the war were falling heavy on him. She helped him through the war, she helped him with PTSD. And somehow, surviving the war together created a bond of unconditional love between them. Barrie was like his baby. And after everything they went through in Syria, Sean was happy he finally gets to live a normal, peaceful life with his dog in England.