
Feeding the puppy surely got her to trust Sean and this time she allowed him to pet her. Sean smiled and knew he is going to keep her with him. She is his dog now, and he decided to name her Barrie. It’s almost as if on cue, Barrie came forward and nudged her head to his leg. Sean took it as a sign that she liked the name. He picked her up and took her back to his tent.

That night, Sean woke up from another one of his nightmares. He got up in his bed, his heart pounding in his chest. To his surprise, Barrie could sense something off about him because she reached in and licked his face before curling up beside him. It was almost her way of asking him to go back to sleep. Sean couldn’t help but smile.
Next Morning

Sean woke up to the sound of his alarm, after what felt like ages. He was always up before everyone because he couldn’t get much sleep thanks to his endless nightmares. He couldn’t believe Barrie had helped him fall asleep last night. She was his escape from the chaos around him.

From that point on, Sean and Barrie were inseparable. She would accompany him everywhere, never leaving his side for a second. Soon enough she claimed a place in everyone’s heart around her. She was known and loved by Sean’s team members. Sean believed she brought peace to everyone around her.
A Companion

Barrie proved to be therapeutic for Sean. He knew it came off as he is the one who saved her amongst the rubble but it was really the other way around. To have her in his camp to come back to and play with, it really kept him sane. It made things almost normal for him. He even made her a bulletproof vest, to keep her safe.

It was about two months after Sean found Barrie when he received a call telling him he gets to go home. His contract was over and instead of renewal, he was allowed to return home. While this was nothing but good news for Sean, he was concerned about how he will bring Barrie home. There is no way he is leaving her here. He is going to figure out a way to take her back to England.