Relearning Skills
During her time in rehab, Rachelle was learning to complete easy chores without using her hands. She felt like she started it all right from the basics; the things she learned during her childhood. She was taught to brush her teeth and hair, wash her face or operate a wheelchair. And it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. She took a long time but finally learned to use the items paralyzed people were using.
Closer Than Ever
During this struggle, Chris was there for her all the time. He felt like she was her hero and her dedication and strong spirit inspired him. Rachelle stayed in rehab for 10 weeks and Chris made sure to change their house to help Rachelle find comfort. He replaced the tiles with wood floors as it will be fitting for the wheelchair, also, he moved their bedroom downstairs.
Tackling The Challenge – Together
Chris and Rachelle adapted a new routine. Chris was working at the local middle school seven days a week. Behind him, Rachelle’s mother made sure to stay with her. Rachelle actively joined the outpatient physical therapy, to learn to type with her thumb. You won’t believe that she even joined a wheelchair rugby team!
Married After All
These tough times brought Chris and Rachelle closer. As Rachelle was getting more independent, they eventually started to get a hold on paying off the medical bills. After they received a significant amount of payment from the insurance company, the couple chose to get married.
A Perfect Wedding
Both Rachelle and Chris decided that they will not compromise with their happiness because of one accident. Everything took place exactly as they planned in their wedding before. Her father walked her down the aisle and the magical moment of vows was here. Chris and Rachelle Chapman made it happen.
Deciding To Have A Child
Chris and Rachelle Chapman were the happiest together. Her boss at the NGO also assured that her job is reserved for her and she can rejoin whenever she feels ready. As her new typewriting skills were now perfect enough, Rachelle decided to rejoin. After some time of togetherness, Rachelle and Chris took another big decision of having a baby.