The Party Begins
Keeping the vast friend’s circle aside, Rachelle wanted to spend time with her four best girlfriends. Therefore, it was finalized that they’ll have a separate night out together. The girls took a limo that will take them to all the sizzling clubs in Virginia Beach, to celebrate the special occasion. Hours passed by dancing and enjoying…
Heading To Home
After staying out till late hours, the girls decided to head to one of their homes. Their high school days tradition was waiting for them; a dive in the pool. Every time they partied like this, it must end by throwing each other in the pool. Unfortunately, this night was going to be a lot different than the previous times.
The Playful Shove Into The Pool
As it is said, “old habits, die hard.” So, the bunch of drunk girls changed into their bathing suits and hurried to the pool. Throwing each other playfully in the pool was a ritual they could never skip. They didn’t have any clue of how drastically this night was about to end for them.
The Wrong Spot
Like all the times, one of Rachelle’s friend was talking to her while playing in the pool, meanwhile, other friends approached her silently and pushed her in the pool from behind. What everyone didn’t notice was the fact that she was standing on a shallow spot. The floor where she was standing was wet and Rachelle slipped and fell sideways into the pool.
What They Weren’t Expecting
Her head hit the bottom of the pool and she completely sunk in the water. Rachelle didn’t even get time to push herself up. She just felt the pain her head and neck, and in the very moment, she felt her whole body froze. She was hurt badly but what she didn’t know was the fact that this will be the last time she felt her entire body.
She was trying but it seemed like her body was out of her control. She was running out of breath and her body’s weight made it impossible for her to get on the surface of the pool. Rachelle was confused about what was happening to her. That’s what everyone wanted to know… Why couldn’t she swim?