Odds In Favor
The sole motive behind this trip was to strengthen the father-son bond. Be it by knowing what’s going on in his son’s life or be it with the fishing and boating part. Finally, it was Sunday and the duo was all set to head to the river that flows by their town, river Danube; Europe’s second largest river. Let’s just say everything was in favor of this trip, it was a partially cloudy day and unlike other weekends, there were very few visitors willing to hit the river. Which meant that father and son will get the much needed time together.
High Hopes
His father was looking up to this trip with very high hopes. All he wanted was to cheer his son up. Unaware of how precise their timing was, the pair was heading in the same direction which they were very well aware of. They have been at the same place many times before. In fact, there was a time when they used to spend time boating for hours every other weekend. And that day all those memories were flashing back…
Father-Son Talk
They were sailing down the Danube enjoying the scenic beauty all around them. They were having so much fun together after so long time and as he expected, his son started to open up a bit about the issues he was facing at schools which became the reason for his weird behavior over the past days. This was the kind of conversation every father awaits but this conversation was about to be interrupted by an intriguing discovery.
In My Days
So, the conversation took a unique turn when his father’s point of view started to differ from his own. The kid didn’t want to face the guys who bullied him at the school as his father had suggested. The kid was somewhere scared to get embarrassed in front of the entire class, neither did he want to complain as it will make him a cry baby.
Take A Chill Pill
It took a while for his father to calm him down and start with the story of how he dealt with an even worse situation during his school days. At the moment when he wanted his son to listen carefully, his son was actually busy looking at another side. What was it that was so important that he ignored the conversation?
The Distraction
He called him but he was at the railing. His father was going inside to check the boat’s direction and turn back towards home. It was time to get back to their place. Before he could even turn the boat into another direction, he heard his boy shout his name.