Visitation Rights
However, the court has granted the biological parents the visitation rights. Every weekend the couple was allowed to take away the babies with them and by Sunday afternoon the kids were handed over again to Margaret. And the surrogate mother was happy with this.
An Agreement
Margaret says that she was happy that the parents got the visitation rights as she herself on the first hand asked for a friendly tie with the couple where she is allowed to visit the kids after giving birth to them. She was happy to share her kids with them but she never wanted to give them away.
Margaret, in order to concrete her side of the point even, says that it would be unbearable for her if the twins are taken away. Moreover, she says that her elder teen kids have also developed an attachment with their new set of twin siblings. They are a happy family and they should be let that way only.
Barbaric Call
Margaret says that it would be barbaric if the custody of the babies is not given to her now. As she was completely healthy and financially stable, she can claim them. Moreover, she has given birth to the twins and is their Mother too. Also, when times comes, she is even ready to tell her twins that they have three parents.
A Controversy
The entire case has turned up into a big controversy. A decision could not be made. None can decide who was right in this case. Whether it was the couple who broke the condition that surrogate put forward or was it the surrogate who was claiming an unjustified right over the babies. As of now, the twins are with the surrogate mother and the biological parents are fighting over for their custody.