Court Case Filed
The couple filed a court case against the surrogate mother. While Margaret demanded the custody of the children. And in order to win the case, the couple had to prove that Margaret was an unfit mother who could not provide the children with a decent life. She was a patient of depression and could potentially harm the children.
C-Sec Birth
Margaret recalls how during the emergency crisis the couple wasn’t available at the scene. As one of the twins was in a breech position, an instant cesarean section had to be performed and the babies were born prematurely. After a few days when Margaret returned home, she saw the biological father at her doorsteps.
Not A Business Transaction
In the afternoon around 2 PM, the father banged Margaret’s house door. And when she came to see who it was, she was terrified. The father asked the surrogate to hand over his kids to him. It was his babies and he had the right. To that Margaret screamed that it wasn’t any business transaction. She feels used as the parents did not take care of her during the entire phase and now were there to take away the babies.
Not For Sale
The biological father even offers to pay $25,000 to Margaret in return for his kids, but Margaret instantly threw away the money over his face and said that the babies were not for sale. Through the entire pregnancy phase, Margaret developed attachment towards the babies and was now not ready to give them away.
Not An Incubator
Later in an interview when asked why did Margaret keep the babies she said, “When it became clear to me that this couple, who are both professionals, saw this as just a business arrangement, and me as some sort of incubator, I changed my mind and decided to keep the children,”
Needs Time
Currently, the case is under the supervision of the court. The judges are yet to make the decision about the fate of the kids. Even they don’t wish to make a mistake with the parents of the little twins. However, Margaret with her medical reports at hand was able to prove that she is perfectly healthy to bring up the twins.