Maintaining Mount Rushmore
As you may have guessed, there is a lot of work maintaining Mount Rushmore. This does not just include the ground on which the tourists walk but the actual monument itself. Because of the fact that the monument is carved in granite, there is a big chance that it starts to crack up after some time. In 1989, the National Park Service and the Mount Rushmore Society started to study and do some research regarding the structural integrity of the monument and found out the main points of weakness. The study was also testing the sealant for cracks created by Borglum. It was made of linseed oil, white lead, and granite dust. However, it was soon discovered that this could not keep the structure safe from moisture or water.
New Sealant And Constant Monitoring
So as to keep the structure intact and in good condition, the National Parks staff started removing all the old sealant and started replacing them with modern silicone. This would help the monument in handling a wide range of temperatures that the Black Hills are often faced with along with heavy rain. For the silicone to remain hidden, it was again dusted with granite powder. With the new silicone, an electric monitoring system was installed. This enabled the caretakers to be alerted with even a slight movement, ones as minute as 0.0001 inches. The temperature of the granite can also be recorded with this new installation. This could definitely prevent further damages that the monument might face in the years to come.
Rarely Any Cleaning Occurs
It would be surprising to note that the monument does not require too much cleaning compared to maintaining. The reason for this is because the budget constraints had made it possible for the cleaning got to take place only at extremely crucial times and does not happen often. But back in the year 2005, a pressuring washing company named Kärcher did the country a huge favor. They did so by cleaning up for free with their own equipment that went on for a few weeks making use of pressurized water at over 200 degrees. This was probably the only time that the monument had ever received a thorough cleaning ever since it was opened in the year 1927.
Mount Rushmore Today
By the end of the 1980s, a project was started to let deserving people get the full experience of what the monument has to offer. This project further resulted in the improvement of the visitor facilities, sidewalks, and other infrastructure that were present in and around the monument. This included the Mount Rushmore Visitors Plaza, Lincoln Borglum Museum, and the Presidential trail. The Presidential Trail gives visitors a chance to walk under the whole monument. All of these helped in making Mount Rushmore become South Dakota’s biggest tourist attraction. It also made the site one of the nation’s proudest monuments. there are a lot of activities that one could do on Mount Rushmore.
Activities At The Monument
It is clear just by looking that Mount Rushmore is a breathtaking place. You would be surprised to know that there are a ton of things you can do while visiting this monumental site. At the Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center, you can see several exhibits and a short film that explains the methods and reasoning that went into the construction of this landmark. The Presidential Trail is 0.6 miles long that allows you to have an in-depth, detailed encounter with the monument. Also, there is a junior ranger program that caters to kids of different ages. You will also get to hear from local rangers, information about the local tribes and the Evening Lighting Ceremony. There is also a self-guided audio tour for people who wish to listen to the whole history of the monument.