Gutzon Borglum’s Secret Addition
The problems faced due to a shortage of funds put a halt on the monuments original plans. But then the United States government authorized Gutzon Borglum’s special addition. So within the years 1938 and 1939, a 70-foot tunnel behind Abraham Lincoln’s head had been carved on the mountain. This, according to the great sculptor Borglum, would serve as the entrance of what would be referred to as “The Hall of Records at Mount Rushmore.”
Other Installations
The plan was for this place to hold onto United State’s most important documents. The entrance was going to be 20 feet high and 14 feet wide with doors that could be opened to an 80-by-100-foot chamber. An eagle with a 38-foot wingspan was supposed to be kept atop this entrance. There would be an inscription on the eagle that read, “America’s Onward March” and “Hall of Records.” The documents like the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were supposed to be kept in bronze and glass cabinets.
A Dream Cut Short
The initial plan for the idea of the Hall of Records was for it to serve as a time capsule. Gutzon Borglum’s plan was to let the future generations walk through the entrance and get to learn more and experience the history of the United States and all that it has achieved. But sadly, Borglum passed in the year 1941 before the entire monument could be finished. His son Lincoln began taking his role to oversee the remaining work that needed to be done to complete the site.
Son Takes Over
Borglum’s passing away and America’s role in WWII put a stop on the construction of the Hall of Records. However, the monument itself was still under construction and in full swing. For many years, the hall became a mere tunnel that was built on the side of the mountain and was rather purposeless. It was kept like this for a while until a few people came together to honor Borglum for his works. They wanted to celebrate his legacy and honor the things he did for the country.
Adding Susan B. Anthony?
Also in the year 1937, there was a new bill that was passed on to the Congress that pleaded for Susan B. Anthony to be an addition to the monumental sculpture. But this was not was not going to bear any fruit because of the funding issues. In the end, Susan B. Anthony was not added to Mount Rushmore as the government decided it would be too costly and because of the fear that the funding would not be enough.
No New Faces
A bill was released and it stated that the funds must be used to complete the heads that were already under construction. There were to be no new faces on the site as that was not the plan. Although Anthony would have also been a very celebrated face that would be kept on Mount Rushmore due to her achievements in women’s suffrage movement, there was no further plea for her to be kept on the site once it was fully done.