
From the beginning, the paramedics, as well as the doctors, suspected it to be just gastro and hence took it lightly. Only the family had a suspicion that it was just more than a gastro even when a day after he was diagnosed with salmonella they suspected it to be more than that. Hence their assumptions were true.

Unfortunate Event

David, unfortunately, passed away in agony allegedly after two weeks of the party leaving 3 kids and a wife behind him. The doctors had put him in a coma in his last days and he died during the surgery leaving all the 3 kids and their mother in endless sorrow. They even couldn’t say a final goodbye to David.

Deprived Of The Truth

The family emphasized on knowing the truth so that could help stop the same thing happening to other people. But due to the hospital’s carelessness in handling David’s situation, they couldn’t save him from his agony. A little prevention could have saved him from the tragedy.


The disease is very rare in humans but could be controlled if little measures are taken. Avoiding contaminated water and eating partially cooked meat can reduce the possibility of such incidents. The areas which are prominently affected by the disease Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, etc.

 Reptiles As Pets

It’s not recommended to keep reptiles around kids or those having a weekend immune system. Also there food and utensils shouldn’t be in the same place as other people’s eatables.


“Don’t kiss or snuggle with reptiles and amphibians because this can increase your risk of getting sick,” the CDC said.“Persons who think they might have become ill from contact with reptiles should talk to a health care provider.”