Another Name

Jackson Pollock changed the structure of abstract art. He changed the way people drew these paintings. With his hands and mind, he created a world of its own. If you would look at the painting Number 17A, you’ll find that this painting gave birth to the so-called American expressionism. If you think his paintings are the real work then you are wrong because it is his performance with canvases which is the real work.

Totally Into His Work

It’s the process which is considered as the real work while he creates the paintings. According to some experts, you can actually see his footprints in some of his paintings which tells that when Pollock created the paintings he was so much into the process that he literally used to walk on them to create the abstract while he danced and forced the colors to create something beautiful through his body movements. It’s like a person dancing to his own tune.

Weird But Beautiful

Many of those who saw him working said that when he created the painting he used to dance around the canvas which to many seemed like a performing a mystical ritual. When he was in the room, he used to be a different person unaware of the surroundings and people around him and he had this habit of being unstoppable until he was finished. 

A Unique Trait

Just like other artists who have a habit of leaving some clue or marks that can tell that this particular painting belongs to this artist, but Pollock was different as he never left a single clue in any of his paintings. He left it to the viewers to see the painting and later judge what it is and who made it. He left it to the viewers to make anything of the paintings as they felt feasible.