“Oh My God”
The item we are talking about here was an original work from the famous artist Jason Pollock. Josh who owns an auction house knew about Jason Pollock. He was an American artist and an influential figure in the abstract expressionist movement. In 2016, one of his paintings named Number 17A was sold for a whopping $200 million dollar. You’ll be surprised to know the real cost of this painting which was found in the garage.
Abstract Art
It was abstract art and there could be a possibility that someone tried to imitate Jason’s work and it wasn’t the authenticated one. Josh was waiting eagerly for the results where experts were trying their best to find out if it was an original or a fake.
Gold Mine
As we already told you that one of Jason’s work was sold for $200 million dollars, and if this painting his original work then there was no doubt that Josh Levine has found a diamond in a coal mine. While he waited for the results he began to search for a connection between Jason Pollok and the old man’s sister. But how?
A Connection
Josh Levine was looking for a connection between Jason Pollock and this old man’s sister who gave him the painting. This old man’s sister name was Jenifer Gordon Cosgriff and there is a very interesting story of how she ended up with the painting in the first place.
Jenifer Gordon Cosgriff
Unfortunately, the old man’s sister Jenifer Gordon Cosgriff was no more and there was no way to ask her in person about the painting and how did she manage to get it from Jason Pollock. Could she have been friends with the artist or knew somebody who was? She was one lucky woman who somehow managed to get a painting painted by none other than Jason Pollock.
Investing Money
Josh Levine who was searching for every clue he could find also started investing money in lawyers to help in finding a connection between Jenifer Gordon Cosgriff and Jason Pollock. Josh Levine consulted several renowned artists and was surprised to hear that he could fetch $15 million if the painting turned out to be an original piece of work by the hands of Jason Pollock. Amazing right?