They Went Together

Josh and his friend wanted to take a good look at that thing and for that, they need to meet the old man first. They both went to the old man’s house and luckily this time he was at home. The old man saw two men standing in front of his house. Old man recognized Josh and greeted him and his friend. This time it was Josh’s friend who did the talking. He told everything about that thing which was lying in this old man’s garage. After hearing everything, the old man said yes…
Moving To The Garage
Josh and his friend went to the old man’s garage and searched for that thing. Covered in the dust they made sure they don’t spoil it further. Surprisingly, it wasn’t in a bad condition as they thought it might be except that dust. Josh who knew how to handle stuff like these cleaned it with the cloth. Josh and his friend couldn’t take their eyes off from it. The old man was standing behind them, watching them work. But the question was how did it end up here? This thing belonged to the old man’s grandfather. They need to find out the connection and things just got more interesting.
Tell Us More!
Josh and his friend were actually holding that amazing thing from the past. They wanted to know more about it and how did it end up here? The old man who was looking very confused as he wasn’t aware of that thing didn’t know how to respond to this question. He told them about his grandfather but it wasn’t his grandfather who gave it to him but it was his sister. It was all just a big puzzle and Josh wanted to solve it as soon as possible.
Taking It To The Lab
Josh asked the old man if he could take it to his lab for more depth research on the item before they could tell if it was even real. The old man looked at Josh’s face and said yes to his request. Josh packed the item so that he doesn’t spoil it while taking it to the lab. The item was in the lab and Josh brought in some experts and asked them to look for one sign that can tell them if it was real. They found something very interesting about the painting.
Item In The Lab
The experts were trying really hard to find even a single sign that could prove that this item was indeed original. On the surface, this item was looking fine but when they looked closely with the instruments it was slightly damaged but then you can’t blame the old guy as he had no idea about the item and how valuable it was. Fortunately, the damage to the item wasn’t that severe and was still in good condition. While the item was under observation Josh decided to find out an answer to the question about the connection between the old man’s sister and the item.
The Old Connection
The old man told Josh that it was his sister who gave this item to him. But how did his sister get this original item? For Josh, things were getting pretty interesting and he was enjoying everything. he kept telling the old man how lucky he was. Soon, this item would change both of their lives forever. So what was the item and what was connection Josh found out? The story will blow your mind.