Time Capsule
Josh who was mesmerized by that thing which was lying in the garage covered in dust didn’t realize that space was filled with several other things. The place was like a time capsule. There were so many artifacts that belonged to the old guy’s grandfather who had this thing of collecting pieces of history. Between all those stuff there was one thing that was the most precious. But Josh didn’t tell the truth at first as he wanted to be sure about his doubts. So he left and started the research work.
The Research Work
Josh went back with the image in his head that wasn’t leaving his sight. Even while he was driving back to his auction house, all he could think about was that one thing from the garage. He straight away headed towards his office and went to his computer where he searched for that thing. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to remember the name of that thing he was just staring the search box on his computer. He was getting frustrated and he wanted to know everything about it.
Old School Research
Books are the best when it comes to finding anything you are looking for. Josh who had no idea what to look for as he wasn’t able to remember the name he went to the nearest library because he knew to where to look. After turning to several books and pages he found that name he was looking for. Excited he left the building and the first thing he did was to contact the old man…
Hello? I found Out Something?
After finding out what he was looking for he called up the old guy and told him everything and what he wants to do next. The old man who wasn’t convinced ignored his request and Josh was just standing there with the phone in his hands looking completely confused by the old man’s decision even when he told him about the true value of that thing. Josh had to convince the old man and that too really fast because the old man was about to move in the retirement house and there could be a possibility that he might sell that amazing thing without giving it a thought about how expensive it was.
All The Convincing
Josh who knew the value of that thing couldn’t believe that he wasn’t able to convince the old man even after he told him the approximate value of the thing. The phone call didn’t work, so Josh decided to meet the old man in person. He went to his house the next day which was locked. Unfortunately, the old man wasn’t at home that day. Josh thought of waiting for him until he was home but then he dropped the idea and went to meet his friend who was an experienced scholar who might be able to give him more depth details about that thing.
Meet The Scholar
Josh was on his way to meet his scholar friend. He told his friend about everything and surprisingly his friend was in shock too. According to his knowledge, this thing which he saw in the garage of this old man was lost in the past and finding it in a place like this was very unexpected. Still, Josh and his friend were hopeful if that thing turns out to be that same thing. But before that, they needed to see it with their own eyes. Will this old guy allow them to see it?