The Original Explorers
Whatever scientists knew was thrown into the dustbin. The new proof has shown them that there was a human settlement much before they would have imagined. Christoper Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci discovered North America when on their venture towards Europe but this civilization was the first voyager who settled on this strange island after discovering it. It’s so exciting to just think about the time in which they lived when they would have met some amazing neighbors of that time.
Prehistoric Wildlife
Back then, North America was actually filled with giants species. Until this day, scientists believed that no human presence would have ever been there before these gigantic species who roamed in this area. They always believed that these species vanished from the face of Earth before any human civilization came into existence. But this evidence of 14,000 years old has proved everybody wrong.
Beasts Of The Northern Wild
While they traveled for the south and eventually, settling in this area must have seen these huge species of animals. Most famous was mastodons and woolly mammoths. There has been evidence which tells us that there were herds of camels too present back then in this area. Along with these animals, the sloths, spiked-toothed nine feet long salmon, lions, cheetahs, saber-toothed tigers, and wolves also made this place their home. But how did the humans survived between these animals is still a mystery?
The Island Of Stability
It is very hard to believe that when every area in Western Canada was covered in the ice and filled with enormous glaciers, the Triquet Island habituated humans and animals for such a long period. The answer lies in the Pacific Ocean. Scientists believed that the sea level of Pacific Ocean hasn’t changed for 15,000 years straight and which helped the civilization in flourishing in this area.
A Parallel Mystery
While the archeologists were busy digging the evidence, there was another astonishing discovery that was waiting to get unearthed some 8,000 miles away in far south of Chile. The archeologists found some evidence of ancient village. It was in the 1970s, in a small town called Monte Verde, some farmers while working in the field discovered some bones which they said seemed like a cow bone. After investigating the claim, the scientists found out that the bone actually belonged to a prehistoric species called gomphothere. They also found some charcoal evidence which was very confusing.
The Settlers Of Monte Verde
In the Monte Verde site, there were also several human footprints and remains of ancient tent poles. They also found seaweed which seemed like somebody or someone chewed it. But Monte Verde was 8,000 miles away from Triquet Island then how come human evidence was found in this place too? With the help of carbon dating technology, the results showed the scientists that this evidence was around 18,500 years old or you could say the oldest artifacts ever been found in America.