Dave’s years of hard work and determination had finally paid off. Here he was standing across the same woman, a grown woman who he met last time was when she was wrapped in a blanket and he was bidding her farewell. It took almost 58 years to happen, but this precious, priceless moment was finally here.
Perseverance had almost given people results but it is one of the most unvalued traits that a person can have. But this story of Dave Hickman was a classic example of perseverance and it finally paid off. Being able to meet a girl who he one day had found in the woods, and that too when he did not have any idea about her whereabouts was not possible if he had given up early.
“I see that image of her laying in the weeds and me standing on top of the fence every day of my life,” he said. “At least now I know there’s a happy ending.” The picture that Dave saw almost 58 years ago was an unpleasant one, but the assurance of the fact that the final outcome of Mary’s life turned out to a really good and nice one, gives Dave a sigh of relief.
Big Brother And A Hero
“It’s kind of like Dave’s a big brother I never knew I had,” Suey said. “I call him my hero here on earth because if it hadn’t been for Dave, I wouldn’t be here right now,”. Dave and Mary might have not lived together or even fought like brothers and sisters, but Mary still thinks of Dave as a brother and that brother somehow found her sister, though it was not an easy task he still succeeded in the end.
An Unforgettable Meet
There were almost 50 families waiting outside for Dave Hickman when he came to meet Mary Ellen Suey in Mitrione’s Rosemary Room and straightaway had an unrecognizable bond with her. The bond was like no other like she was again that girl whom he held in his hands and was saying goodbye. Here she was standing right next to him when he had almost given up all hopes of meeting her.
Reunion Messages
“It was just fun to see if I could piece this all together and put them together,” Catey said when they both met. “I’m just really thrilled for the two of them and appreciative that I could play a role in that.”
“I think Ellen was resigned to the fact that she would never find the men who found her,” said Mary’s husband Bob. “John played a significant role. It’s an amazing story already and it’s great to now bring it to a conclusion.”