Silence Prevails

The passengers were quiet during the whole journey. As if they were still in the surprise of what had happened. There was no loud music, no chitchats and no voices in general. Even the kids too remained silent as if they knew what had happened. They too like the adults, wanted to extend this moment of silence and pay their respect to the martyred soldier.

Safe Landing

The plane landed safely on the grounds of North Carolina although there was a slight delay in the landing, people didn’t utter a word when they unloaded the casket. David was desperate to reach home and was feeling a little nostalgic. It seemed like life had given him another chance to relive the moments and correct his mistake and attitude towards life and people.


When he reached home, there was a silence when he hugged his mother it seemed like he was reliving all the moments he had lost years back. His mother was concerned when he started crying and asked if everything was fine, he assured her about the same and also told her about the incident that just had happened.

Getting A Closure

The whole incident allowed him to get closure over his past and when he shared the incident on twitter he wrote: “You see this is what the 4th July is about. This is why we are free to argue over a stupid athlete and a stupid pair of tennis shoes. It about a sacrifice of men and women who since 1776 have laid down there lives so I can eat hotdogs and drink beer and watch fireworks.”

Getting Back At Work

When he returned back from home there was a drastic change in his behavior. Everyone was shocked but Sofia was relieved when she saw positive changes in David. The negativity that used to prevail around him had suddenly evaporated and Sofia was extremely happy about the same. She thought these changes were surely the consequence of the recent experience he might have had which had changed him a lot. His changed behavior confirmed it too.