Image result for dmpa injection
DMPA (depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate) hormone can be injected into a woman’s body quarterly; it ceases ovulation. Doctors can administer the hormone the medication of which activates within 24 hours and can last for at least 3 months. It stops the ovaries from releasing eggs.

Side Effects

Image result for dmpa injection side effects
DMPA does not have adverse side effects like that of estrogen but women can experience a cease in their menstruation altogether in the first year. DMPA lasts in the body for a long time so the women who have been using this method of birth control will find a great deal of delay in returning to normal fertility. There are chances of weight gain, menstrual irregularities, and depression. This does not give protection against STDs. 


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IUD or the intrauterine device, a T- shaped small device made of plastic, is inserted in the uterus to avoid pregnancy. A string is attached at its terminal which ensures placement and can be used for removal. This process should only be done by a medical professional, doing it oneself ascertains the chances of hurting internal organs.

Side Effects

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IUD has proven to be among the best methods of birth control. The side effects are minimal but IUDs can puncture the walls of the uterus on insertion. Bleeding can happen for a long period of time and cramps and backache are the most common side effects of the first few hours. If the woman is not in a monogamous relationship the chances of pelvic inflammatory disease and STDs are high.

Increased Risk Of STDs

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Not only do the IUDs do not protect against STDs, it actually increases the chances of contracting it. During the first four months of IUD installation, the chances of getting STDs is the highest. It is a recommended birth control method for people in monogamous relationships. 

Barrier Method

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Condoms are used in the barrier method for birth control and are the 3rd most commonly used way of avoiding pregnancy according to The Mayo Clinic. Condoms are usually made of latex, polyurethane or lambskin. Some have a coating of spermicidal gel which is supposed to destroy any sperm present.