Poor Conditions
On peeping inside the house, Angela located the old man sleeping in a corner. She breathed a sigh of relief to find him alright. But what she saw inside bothered her more than the health of the 76 years aged man. Angela realized that the trailer which looked quite old from the exterior was even terrible from inside. The living conditions she encountered baffled her completely.
No Ventilation
Lee already had suffered a terrible past and the living conditions were adding to his hardships. The caravan had no ventilation. There were no working windows, no plumbing system and nor was there any heat. It was a very cold environment inside, and Angela was frightened with the thought of how cold it would be inside when the winters would be at their best.
All A Mess
Angela was herself a mother and caring was in her nature. Seeing the old man living in such disgusting conditions, tore her heart. She felt extremely sad for this old man. Due to lack of a proper sewage system, there was waste in the entire house and no air made the place smell foul. And with the age in which Lee was, one couldn’t expect him to keep the place all tidy. Angela then took a call which changed this man’s life forever.
A Plan
Nursing was once her profession, but her dedication towards her profession had instilled that helping nature in her bloodstreams. Angela decided that she would do something for this man. Even if nothing great she wanted to provide him a warm place to sleep in the winters. She bought him a heater that could help him in keeping his surroundings warm. And after that, she did an even more incredible thing.
Being Generous
After having a closer look at the man, she realized that as he was old, his health had been degrading. He wasn’t in a condition to go and fetch himself vegetables and then cook his meals. That was the reason he would prefer surviving on Pizza. Out of generosity, Angela did a little more for this man. She not only started getting him pizza but also carried some fruit and vegetable for him. She at times would even treat him with donuts and hot coffee…
Mere Beginning
Angela’s kindness and generosity did not stop here. Rather it won’t be wrong to say that it was all a mere beginning. She desperately wanted to help Lee. She says that no man can survive in such a condition where there is no air and water and all that there lies is, is claustrophobia. After seeing Lee living such a miserable life, Angela somehow wanted to provide him with the best. And the least she could do was get him a decent living space.