The Perfection
Everyone at Sotheby’s named the vase as an “absolute perfection”. Pine trees, deer, and cranes formed the centerpiece of this vase makes it magnificent. Not only this, the background had waterfalls and scenic landscapes. The use of bright colors makes it even praiseworthy piece of work. After knowing all these facts, the very obvious question arose. What would be its original value?
Original Value

The lady handed over the vase to the Sotheby’s some months ago. Meanwhile, Oliver Valmier could connect the history of the vase with its original value. After a close inspection, Sotheby’s decided to put this masterpiece at auction. The vase due to its ancient history originally valued between $588,000 and $823,000. Wooh! That’s just unbelievable. It was Exorbitant.
All eyes were on the auction now. Even if the auction could serve half this amount, it surely would be a delight to the lady. But, the price for which it was sold was no less than breath-taking…
Rollercoaster Auction
The bidders went mad on listening to the vase’s incredible past. Everyone present there wanted to own it. The original value of the Chinese Vase was shattered in seconds. Bidders were ready to pay any amount to own this vase. There came a point in the auction when everyone thought that the bidding for this masterpiece would never end…
Wait A Minute
The bidding process took various twists and turns. The lady was extremely enthusiastic about the price the highest bidder at the auction owns her. There was a time when the vase was almost on the verge of being sold. A bidder was ready to pay $1 million. All eyes were stuck to the bidding hammer. And as the auctioneer said one, two; the lady’s jaw dropped. But before the hammer hit a three, something even better happened…
The Bidding War
Another bidder stood up and offered a value of $ 10 million. Everyone was looking at this man, now. Who could increase the bidding amount to such a number that too in a single go? $10 million was a mammoth amount for a vase. Nevertheless, it seems as if the vase was not satisfied with the values the bidders offered. A bidding war took place between these two bidders who desperately wished to own this Antique…
The Sotheby’s also got excited and before the individuals could give over this vase they disclosed some even more interesting facts about this Chinese Vase, to take the auction at another level…
An Even Impressive Emperor
Till yet everyone was only impressed by the beauty of this vase, but the facts about the emperor Qianlong were, even more impressive. With every part of this vase unfolding, the price of this vase touched higher heights. This emperor, unlike others, had immense love for the varied form of arts. He was passionate not only about his own culture, but other cultures also admired him. He took inspiration from foreign civilization and this blocks together the reason as to why was this vase made…