High Time

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Even though he was going through a lot at the center, nothing could top how pathetic he felt when his mom spoke those words. He was now constantly in a mental battle to try and get over all these hideous things that happened to him. He had always wondered what drove his mother to say such a vile word at all. It was high time he tried to understand the level of frustration and sorrow his parents must be dealing with.

Mind Reframed

Martin Pistorius Story
After some time had passed, Martin started being able to re-engage with his thoughts. he had tried very hard to keep them away and not get in touch with his mind as he felt it was meaningless to do so. Martin was certain that in order for him to completely heal and fight the depression and loneliness he suffered from, he would have to sharpen his mind some more.

A Miracle?

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After focusing on himself, he began slowly feeling better. He was connected with his mind and he learned that he was feeling better. Miracles began to happen because not only was his mind progressing even his body was getting better. It was clear that his neurons were starting to reknit. Slowly but surely, Martin was becoming himself. he started off with self-awareness and soon movement came into being.

Small Movements

Martin Pistorius Story
And very soon Martin was able to make small movements. With sheer determination and patience, he was finally able to move his body, bit by bit. But since his parents and caregivers were so used to seeing him immobile, they didn’t notice that he was making slight movements by himself. They would look at these small movements as mere twitching of his body.

Getting Noticed

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This went on for a while and even though Martin was making a lot of progress, there was still so much he needed to do to get noticed. After staying like this for a while, one day, Virna van der Walt, who works as an aromatherapist, began to take notice. As soon as he saw that Martin would react to specific statements or questions, he knew that the boy was slowly getting better.

Silver Lining

Martin Pistorius Story
Living majority of his life paralyzed and in the mercy of others must have certainly been an awful way to live life. But finally, at the age of 25, Martin Pistorius was able to regain his full consciousness and some very important parts of his mobility.  He had persisted and was now better than ever before. He could even bring himself to forgive his parents for saying what they did to him…