For Years
His parents tried very hard to do what they could to keep him comfortable but it turned out to be a little too much to handle for them. So after Martin was dropped into the care center, he would spend eight hours there and his father would then come to get him again. He would take Martin home, feed him then get him to go to bed. This was the routine that they followed for many years…
Stressed Mom
As a mother of an ailing boy, Joan Pistorius was slowly starting to lose her grip. Since her son was not showing any signs of progression, she was slowly losing her hope. Martin’s mother sometimes felt like she was not capable of giving what her son needed. She felt inadequate and often felt like the burden that had fallen on her to attend to her son’s needs was unbearable.
Her Confession
On one of the days when Joan was feeling really low, she got close to her son and blurted out loud, “I hope you die.” This was her way of asking God if he would just do them a favor and take their son away from his misery on earth. If you think about it, this might have been better for what Martin’s whole family was going through. She was informed that he was not capable of hearing anything too…
Slowly Waking Up
The whole family had to clock their timing according to Martin’s needs for a long while. But by the time he turned the age of 16, Martin started to regain his consciousness. In the beginning, he was not able to hear or sense anyone else around him. He had been living like this for quite some time. But then, he soon started to sense other next to him, gaining back his consciousness.
Hearing Everything
Even though Martin was not able to communicate anything yet, he had slowly started to gain his senses so he was aware of most things. Martin had actually heard all the mean things his mother had shouted out during her distressed times. He heard all her curses during her time of despair. However, since he could not move at all, he was not able to respond in any way…
Here But Not Quite
Even though Martin had spent so much time unable to hear, feel or say anything, things were slowly changing. After some time, Martin was able to sense everything, just like any normal person would be able to. However, there was still one problem, he still could not express how he felt. He was still unable to move his eyes, or wiggle a toe, his brain and his body still did not sync properly.