Finding Clues
While searching through the old documents they came across another revelation. It was about Mick’s birth mother, they found out that her name was Marie Pauline Oakley. The lady was married to Wiley Albert Oakley at a tender age. Soon they were expecting their first child when they moved to the Alameda area where the story took a turn.
The couple’s marriage didn’t last that long. After a lot of disputes and arguments, the couple parted their ways. The investigator and the policeman started finding more about Mick’s father. After investigating a lot they came to know that he had passed away years back. Now their only task was to find about his mother. Both of them started praying for the lady’s well being.
Calling Her
The next task was to find out her address and for that, they had to find the old lady’s contact number. Her name was so common in America that it had become difficult to find out Mick’s mother. Finally, they dialed a number. Who would pick up the call?
Good News
They had crossed their fingers when the line connected and an old lady answered the call. And luckily it was Mick’s Mom and they breathed a sigh of relief. The old woman was living 250 miles away in Eureka, California. Now they couldn’t wait to meet her and tell her about her son.
They also asked about her long-lost son to confirm if they were talking to the right lady and it was then she broke down in tears. She asked the two men in a shaky voice if her son was alive. They told her in brief, both the men were inquisitive to know why did the woman leave the kid in the first place? Would she tell them the truth?
Oakley told them that her son used to stay ill and when they consulted a doctor they came to know that the kid has a hole in his stomach. Unfortunately, at that time, she didn’t have that much money to sustain her life. So she had to take the decision to give him to a family that could take care of him better than her.