After doing a part-time job for some months, he again had to leave his part-time job as his health deteriorated more. Now he had no source of income left. He started using his savings to pay for his medicines and other bills. Soon it too started to exhaust. What would he do now?
A Beggar
When he had no penny left in his pocket, he was evicted from the flat by the owner. Now he had no place to go and no food to eat. Myers had no choice but to become a beggar if he wanted to live. He started playing the guitar on the street to collect some money. And with that money, he used to buy himself food. Even after some years of playing guitar on the street, he was still begging. Would there ever be a change?
Changing Seasons
Seasons changed from summer to winter but Mick’s conditions remained pathetic as before. It wasn’t just him who was suffering in the chilly winter. According to a survey, there were about 25% of homeless people living on the streets. Myer was one of those 554,000 people who were living on the street and begging to fill their stomachs.
Sudden Change
Life often takes a U-turn but it had become so frequent in the life of Myer that it didn’t shock him anymore. And this time the change that came in his life was positive, he didn’t have any idea that after so many years finally something good was going to happen in his life. What was going to happen?
One Fine Day
It was one of the chilly mornings in December and the year was 2017. As usual, Myers was roaming on the street when he met a local police officer on a freeway in Hayward, California. The police officer used to patrol that area and he had run into him multiple times. Then what was different that day?
Sheriff Jacob Swalwell
Deputy Sheriff Swalwell was a very sincere police officer, he had never been rude to anyone unless they didn’t follow the instructions. The police officer used to see him playing guitar and often whisk him away by telling him not to beg on such a busy lane. Besides this, they had never had a one to one talk with each other.