The Happy Ever After

Lauren was constantly admiring her pooch for saving her life as well as her face, “Victoria saved my life and my face,” she said, “and she’s earned a lifetime of love and praise. I’d like to tell everyone to pay close attention if your own dog starts to act in a similar way. Your dog might know something that you don’t, so don’t brush their unusual behavior aside. Go get it checked out. I’m sure glad that I did.”

Taking Care Of The Pooches

Lauren, without any fail, ran the dog shelter. Providing a roof on the heads of homeless pooches and gaining all the love and admiration from in and around the city for her endless efforts. On any occasion whenever she was appreciated she never missed an opportunity to mention how Victoria saved her life and she was just doing her bit.

Lauren And Victoria

But every pooch is not as lucky as Victoria to be found by such a loving owner like Lauren and many of them end up on the street, abandoned and malnourished and meet their end in the most awful way because of certain egocentric people who wanted to gain profit by hook or crook.

The Mission

She had started a mission but every mission gets successful when everyone plays their bit, just like a movie, it is not an individual effort of any scriptwriter, director or even an actor but the whole team and similarily for this mission to see the bright side people too, have to participate  otherwise she wouldn’t be able to rescue these needy homeless pooches all by herself.