Dog Shelters

After she had recovered, she thought of opening a dog shelter for all the abandoned hounds that were left by their owners on the street after they had fulfilled their needs. So, she founded Magic’s Mission Beagle and Hound Rescue, Inc while doing her attorney job.

Adopting Pooches

Lauren had been constantly doing work to improve these pooches’ condition and actively participated in rescuing them as well. According to her “These dogs are devoted to their owners and are affectionate and tolerant,” further she added, “it’s appalling how many of them are tossed aside once hunting season is over. They deserve much better treatment.” And to that end, Lauren feels like she wants to help more abandoned dogs.

The Smartest Pooch

Victoria, not only proved to be a faithful pet but a smart pooch too. Harrier-beagles are no doubt intelligent and smart of numerous breeds of dogs. It was a miracle that Lauren founded Victoria. When she brought Victoria home, she thought she had given the pooch a new lease of life and was happy about the same without having a clue that one day she would return the favor by saving her life. What a lucky owner!

Cancer Detector

Dogs aren’t just merely a companion but they are extremely smart, intelligent and their smelling senses are impeccable. Just like the human brain is ruled by the visual cortex, dog’s brains are dominated by their smell cortex also called the olfactory cortex. Because of their strong-smelling senses, they are preferred in the search operations by police and investigators to find out clues and thieves too.

Super Powers

These pooches are not just good at sniffing danger and thieves but also good at detecting diseases among humans. Just as in the case of Lauren, the hound detected cancer which could have otherwise resulted in serious situations.

Sniffing The Disease

The cancer wasn’t just an unanticipated discovery by the pooch but their smelling cortex has the ability to detect various other cancers along with skin cancer that the pooch had detected in her owner. Their olfactory cortex can detect cancers like prostate cancer by smelling the urine of the patient and ovarian cancer and bowel cancer.