Sniffing And Snuggling

She was irritated by this behavior of Victoria’s “When the spot went away, Victoria kept sniffing,” she said, “and I thought, ‘Why do you keep putting your wet nose in my face?’ It was so odd so she finally decided to get it checked by a doctor.


Without any delay, she went for a biopsy the next day. When the results came out, they were quite unanticipated. She had basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer that accounted for about 32 percent of all cancers. In Lauren’s mind it was because of the tanning bed she used to visit as a kid but it was just her assumptions.


Soon her treatment started and she underwent the necessary diagnosis needed to get rid of the monster that was spreading inside her body through the nose. The treatment was indeed very painful and in this tough time, Victoria stood there for Lauren. She wouldn’t sleep at night and stared through the window as she was restrained from entering the room.

Lucky Lauren!

Lauren was lucky that her nose cancer was discovered in the early stage before it could affect the other parts of her body and had received a treatment accordingly. Otherwise, cancer might have affected the majority of the nasal tissues as well as other parts of her face too.

Ignoring The Condition

If that had been the case it would have resulted in numerous surgeries and might have lead to her death too, if gone wrong. But all thanks to Victoria and her smelling senses, she had sniffed cancer in the early stage and saved her owner from the catastrophe.


Lauren couldn’t be more thankful for the pooch and she had been receiving extra love and rewards.“I’m so grateful to Victoria, as you can imagine, she’s received a lot of treats and hugs,” adding, “I always knew that hounds had an amazing sense of smell, but I never dreamed that it would have such a huge effect on me personally.”