Not Again
One day she was lying on her bed when she felt those excruciating cramps again. By now she had become used to of these and so, thought they would go away after a while. However, it only got worse. She headed towards the bathroom.
Pushing It Out
She took her IV with herself to the bathroom. The pain was increasing minute by minute. Lauren could not understand what should she do. She sat on the seat of the toilet and then something odd happened. All of a sudden, she felt like pushing.
Was She Birthing?
She was having contractions. Just the way a pregnant woman undergoes right before delivery. As she already had birthed a child, she knew what exactly to do. She began pushing hard as if she was giving birth to a child. Though there was no child inside her, the pain of bringing this thing out was the same. Unfortunately, there was no one around her who could assist her all through the process. Would she be able to make it?
Finally Out
Lauren said, “It was the same size as a baby at 17 weeks, so it was a big tumor to push out with no assistance.” For once she felt like giving up. But she knew that succumbing now would be akin to inviting the death. So she kept on trying. After a while, she felt an instant relief.
Is It Over Yet?
She looked down and began to cry incessantly. She was shivering with weakness and soon collapsed on the floor. Her whole body had gone red and was bathed with sweats. Had she won the battle or was it just a harbinger of something worse? It was to see. For now, the lady felt relieved. She kept lying on the floor until a hospital aid noticed her.
The Darkness Ended In Light
Lauren said, “A massive sense of relief came over me — I felt so thankful that the tumor was finally out of me.” The mass that the twenty-seven-year-old woman gave birth to had the same size as of a giant pear. Now she was out of danger. She had tears in her eyes when the doctor told her that she was perfectly fine.