In Need Of Fresh Air
One evening she took her son out. Lauren really needed some fresh air after months of emotional and physical strain. She went to a park with her son. Lauren did not know for how long was she going to live and so she wanted to spend as much time with her son as possible. That was the first time she felt so good in these five months. It was then something very unexpected happened.
Venting It Out
Charlie seemed to be enjoying the day to its fullest. His mother was pushing him on a swing just like old days. Lauren too had begun to feel good when all of a sudden she felt severe cramps. She ran back to her home suspecting something wrong. When she checked she realized that she had been bleeding heavily.
The woman immediately called the doctor who advised her to come to the hospital. Lauren was admitted into the cancer ward. Lauren wrote to a website named Kidspot, “I arrived at the women’s hospital emergency department and saw the specialist Gynaecologist. He examined me and found two new tumors growing at the entrance of my vagina which had ruptured and caused my huge bleed.” She was in a critical stage.
Treatment Began
The following week, Lauren was medicated with six high doses of chemotherapy. The therapies were so strong that the woman went bald in a matter of a week. However, despite strong medication, her condition continued to worsen. Apparently, Lauren was struggling physically and mentally.
Losing Everything
Lauren began to lose hope. The lady gradually started slithering into depression. Her body was not responding well to the treatment and she knew if it goes the same way she would die soon. Though her son and fiancee would visit her every day, she often ended up crying alone at night in the bathroom.
Things Uglified
Along with the hopes, Lauren lost her confidence too. She hated looking in the mirror. Har skin had wrinkled, eyes looked puffy, tired and surrounded with dark circles. She had lost all her hair. She stopped meeting anyone other than her own family.