Linda couldn’t bear the sight of this woman. How could she come to someone’s wedding like that and that too wearing a wedding gown? Moreover, her gown seemed to be newly purchased and was indeed a very beautiful gown.
Linda and Mike could hear people whispering as to who the woman was. Nobody had seen her before and the ceremony had stopped in between because she had entered. The woman on the other hand just kept walking towards the couple, smiling wickedly.
The woman went up to Linda and Mike and she revealed the truth to everyone. The person to be hated was not her, it should be Mike. Yes, this woman was Mike’s mistress! She told everyone that Mike and she had been together for more than a year.
Truth Told
The woman told all the guests who were gathered for the wedding of Linda and Mike that Mike had been betraying her as well as Linda by not revealing the truth to her. He had kept a relation with this woman.
An Attempt
Maybe this was the woman’s final attempt to win Mike back. Or maybe she wanted to take her revenge for being betrayed so ruthlessly. Why would Mike do such a thing and destroy two lives altogether?
Everyone was taken aback when they heard the woman’s story. There was not even a single person in the gathering who could doubt Mike. He seemed to be the perfect guy. But he had cheated this woman as much as he had cheated Linda.