Linda recited her vows first. As she was an emotional person, she wanted to be sure to add every little feeling of hers for Mike in her vows. She had prepared her speech with a lot of effort, and when everyone heard it, they were in tears.
Other’s Turn
It was now time for Mike to recite his vows before they could finally be declared husband and wife by the Vicar. Mike started with his speech and he had written very sweet words all in praise of Linda.
When the couple was done reciting their vows, the vicar was about to declare them husband and wife when suddenly the door of the church was pushed open and somebody entered inside.
Heads Turned
All heads turned towards the door when it was opened. Who could enter in such a hurry and so rudely at a wedding? Linda and Mike also could not understand who was it but Linda could see how it was affecting her perfectly planned day.
The Entrant
A woman entered as if she had gatecrashed the wedding. She was no one that was invited and Linda had not even seen the woman before. Everybody was confused about what was even happening. But this was just the starting.
Another Disaster
The woman who had just entered was not just a random woman who had entered the wedding by mistake. She had a purpose of coming to Linda and Mike’s wedding. She had come wearing a wedding dress!