Accepting Feedback
Shannon stands firmly by her parenting tactic but there is a large group of people who consider her method extremely unfair and wrong. Many people did not like the idea of putting an infant on a “strict diet.” In fact, a large fraction of people who provided their feedback only criticised her. No doubt, the criticism did bother Shannon a bit but she was too confident to give a damn about them.
A Little Puzzled
Shannon has her own reservations. She criticizes those parents who let their children munch on junk food and those with next to no nutritional content but they all have a problem with her feeding her daughter nutritional diet. She opened up, “If you want to feed your kid one of the most nutrient-void pieces of [nonsense] ever, knock your socks off. [But] people think that it’s offensive to eat a plate of vegetables [over] a piece of bread. That’s bizarre.”
A Media Storm
In no time Shannon and her idea of putting her child on Paleo diet hit the news worldwide. There were some experts who too questioned her unusual parenting tactic. One of them was Dr. Rosemary Stanton, who not only spoke against the idea but also warned other parents from taking inspiration from it. She said, “It’s not usually a good idea to put a child on such a restricted diet, particularly when there are no valid grounds for it.” She even went on to suggest Shannon add grains and legumes in Grace’s diet.
Not Weird
However, Shannon did not follow her suggestion completely. According to her, Grace is in her possibly best condition and she could not have been healthier than this, had she been on some other diet. She also clarified that everything that she feeds to Grace is nothing like weird and everyone eats that. She said,“[What Grace eats now] is not weird, or anything that normal people wouldn’t eat. She loves it. I don’t feed her toast or cereal or anything like that. [But] I think, ‘That stuff is not going to kill her.’ If she eats a piece of bread, I’m not going to have a conniption fit.”
Doing Something Right
What matters the most for Shannon is her daughter’s health. And she is doing perfectly fine with the diet. She explains, “I don’t want there to be any disordered eating around here. Females particularly have enough problems with eating disorders. I want Grace to eat what makes her feel good.”
Helping Others
As mentioned earlier, Shannon is a health and wellness coach and is also an owner of a website named ‘myfoodreligion.’ Thanks to her extensive knowledge that she gained during her studies, she knows that what changes a human life completely is food. Apart from running her website she also gives private classes and holds workshops teach people about different healthy recipes. So, what Grace and Shannon are doing today? Is Grace still liking the food?